Remember when we were younger, and people used to ask us what we wanted to be when we grew up? It may seem silly to ask an eight-year-old what they hope to do with their life. But maybe this small talk was also a way to get us to think about what we wanted from life. And most of us answered this question with confidence, revealing our hopes and dreams.

However, as we grew older and learned how to manage the curveballs life threw at us, we might have lost sight of what we once hoped to become and achieve. 

If you catch yourself daydreaming about how your life could be different or maybe just need a better outlook for the future, look no further. 

We will cover the basics of life planning, identify strategies and goals to think more about, and learn some tools to get our lives moving on a better track. Ready, set, go.

What Is Life Planning? (A Definition)

I have a question for you, dear reader. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I won’t be upset if you rolled your eyes or let out an “ugh” when you read that question. Maybe that question was just as silly when you were a kid as it is now. Maybe you’re thinking, “Well, I’m already a grown-up, so this doesn’t apply to me.” But, it still is a valid question. Even as we age, we still have the chance to grow up, learn new things, and, most importantly, have dreams. Regardless of your age, ask yourself what you want to be. It doesn’t have to be what you hope to achieve five or ten years from now—what is something you want to do next week? Next month? Next year? 

Did you face any difficulty answering those questions? If yes, then I am glad you are here. Making choices, figuring out our next moves, and thinking about the future can seem scary—especially when life is not limitless.

Planning out your life doesn’t mean having every minute of every day mapped out. Instead, life planning is a process of creating a generalized guide of what your purpose(s) in life is, what you hope to accomplish during your lifetime, and how you aim to work toward those goals. Life plans often include an estimated timeline of when you hope your goals come to fruition and also take bumps on the road into account. Ultimately, life is full of surprises, and we cannot possibly predict unforeseen events. As such, life plans are often works-in-progress, should be amended as life goes on, and preferably, are flexible rather than rigid blueprints. 
Breaking down our age and panning from the day we are born to the maximum average life span, lets see what you need to do at what time.
We will use a five years age gap.
1 - 5 Years One is in Pre Unit 
6 - 10 Years Lower Primary
11 - 15 Years Upper Primary
16 - 20 Years High School
21 - 25 Years College / University
26 - 30 Years One is Supposed to Start Settling ( Courting, In a relationship, Married)
To this level, any mistakes done here will affect the rest of your life in a huge way.
31 - 35 Years Career Progression
36 - 40 Years Future and retirement Settlement Planning
41 - 45 Years Further Education
46 - 50 Years Future Plan, Passive Income expansion, Taking care of your children high School education.
51 - 55 Years Retirement. 
At this age gap, if you didn't plan your retirement at 36 - 40 years, you will likely be in debts and end up dying ohh.
56 - 60 Years Preparation on pension scheme spending and how to keep the funnel growing.
61 - 65 Years Enjoy a Peaceful retirement.
66 - 70 Years Preparation for a Crisis Life
For more info and engagements contact us on:
James Ploti +254708459336
I am your servant ready to serve you 24/7.


  1. 26 _30 were hustling hard to own a piece of land at any of Optiven shop

  2. This is just what I needed to be reminded this morning.


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