
Showing posts from September, 2017

8 Body-Language Tricks That Are Hard to Master But Will Pay Off Forever

8 Body-Language Tricks That Are Hard to Master But Will Pay Off Forever Some tricks, like remembering to smile, are easy to implement in your everyday life. However, other techniques, while relatively common sense, are somewhat trickier to tackle. Still, they can make a huge difference. Here are eight body-language hacks that can be tricky to master but will pay off forever once you do: 1. Mirror the person you're speaking to. Mirroring — aligning your body to match the position of whoever you're speaking to — can be a tough skill to master. But doing it shows admiration and agreement. It can be hard to do this subtly, without looking like you're mimicking or mocking someone, but it's a good trick to employ if you're trying to make a good impression. 2. Walk with purpose and energy. Not everyone walks with confidence. Some of us shuffle through life with a slumping, awkward gait. And it can be tough to change the way we walk. But if