
Showing posts from September, 2020


  How to Close a Sale: 7 Tips for Sealing the Deal Contrary to popular belief, when it comes to closing sales, it isn't about numbers—it's about people. The minute you take your focus off your customer and make it more about your numbers, your client will feel the shift.  *Step 1: Identify the decision makers*  Over 40% of sales reps say prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process, and even the best sales pitch doesn't amount to much if you're not talking to the right people.  *Step 2: Do your homework*  Now that you know who the decision makers are, it’s time to tailor your presentation to them. Research as much as you can about not only the pain points of their organization, but also about your competitors and why your product can serve your client’s needs better. This stage of planning also includes the minutia of forms, paperwork, and pricing so that you can go into your pitch fully prepared rather than frazzled.  *Step 3: Pitch the solution you’re p


  CAN FOREIGNERS OWN LAND IN KENYA?   *Question* : Can I, as a foreigner own land in Kenya?    *Answer* : The provisions of law regulating landholding by non-citizens is found in the Constitution of Kenya, the Lands Act (Act No. 6 of 2012) and the Land Registration Act (Act No. 3 of 2012).   Under the provisions of the Kenyan laws above, non-citizens can only hold land for a period of 99 years under a leasehold tenure. This essentially means that a non-citizen cannot hold freehold property.   The Constitution further provides that in the event that a non-citizen holds any title document which purports to confer a non-citizen an interest in land greater than a 99 year lease, the provision shall be regarded as conferring on the person 99 year leasehold interest, and no more.      *Question* : What is the difference between freehold and leasehold land?    *Answer* : Freehold land It is the greatest interest a person can have on land as it gives the holder absolute ownership of the land fo