Deuteronomy 22:10

Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. 

 ( What is that Donkey Keeping your OX Energy From Materializing?)

During my younger days, my parents were very strict on us not missing Sunday school classes. Some of the lessons we learnt back then were just bible stories and never seemed to make any real life meanings at the time.

Litle did I know they actually will catch up and make lots of meaning during my older days.

One teacher Mama Roy would always stand in the pulpit and give us teachings of how in life one is supposed to make the right choices, her example would always start with “Twana twa Jesu, murimi ndarimithagia mugunda na murao wa bunda na ndegwa….” So she would start.

Meaning a farmer doesn’t plough his field tying an ox and a donkey in the same York.

What did she mean? Why would one use a donkey and an OX?

I knew Donkeys are slow and like kicking, OX on the other hand are very fast and can run crazy with the tail raised high, imagine what can happen to the plough.

That was a reflection as I share what am doing to re-allign my dreams, vision and focus.

The thought of starting all over again, whether that’s in your personal or professional life, is daunting if you don’t know what to expect or what to do next.

Things happen in life that can cause a person to start all over and rebuild their life.

If you’re in such a situation, how you view what you’re experiencing will determine whether you let fear or resistance stop you from moving ahead, or you look at it as a new beginning.


What Does Starting All Over Mean?

Life rarely works out how we think it will or how we hope it will. Sometimes, the path we’re on may not be what’s best for us, which will require us to do things differently.

Starting all over again means deciding to change something we know is not working for us.

It requires courage to start all over again because we’ll have to do things unfamiliar. This means we have to conquer our fears to get what we want.


Reasons for Starting All Over Again

Everyone experiences difficulties in life. Things that may cause a person to start all over again include:

·       Coming out of a long-term relationship.

·       Changing careers.

·       Moving to a new city or country.

·       Dealing with a heavy financial loss.

·       Wanting to do things for themselves and live life on their terms instead of pleasing others.

·       Losing someone close.

·       Suffering a serious injury or illness.

·       Wanting to find themselves again.

·       Desiring a change in their life.

It’s important to know that starting all over again is a decision. It will require commitment to follow through on that decision.

 Sometimes in life we have moments of hardship and times where you start to lose hope. Below is my five step plan to win again.

1.Don't look back at past successes or failures, look forward.

It's sometimes tempting to look back at your past successes to make you feel better or to feed your ego but this in the long-term doesn't work and will only hold you back.

You must use the knowledge of your past successes to move you forward to wining in the present or the future.

The same goes for your past failures, it can fill your mind with doubt and create a sense of urgency to never repeat them. It takes courage to move on and move forward.

2.Have Hope

One of the greatest attributes you can have is hope. It can drive you on to greater things and comfort you when things aren't going as well as you would like them too. It is hope that drives persistence to lead on and never back down in the face of a struggle but rise to the occasion and fight on.

If you lose hope, take time to untangle the reasons why you may be loosing hope, take a minute or a day or a week to rebuilt then find the courage to hope again.

3.Celebrate the small wins

A wise person once said to me "celebrate the small wins and the big wins will take care of themselves," if you get a bit of work done or start applying for jobs again after a rough patch, drinking a little less, going for a jog, whatever your situation is, it is imperative you celebrate these small wins and fight on to the big wins.

Small wins are not insignificant, they are the building blocks to success, fulfilment and happiness. The small wins give you the encouragement and the knowledge to keep on moving up.

4.Learn a new skill

It's important to learn a new skill that may push you over the threshold to winning again.

If you struggled with your public speaking in the past, take a public speaking course.

If your qualifications are holding you back, go back to college and gain some more qualifications.

Remember a new skill can only help you move forward towards winning again.

5.Don't doubt your ability to win

The most important thing to remember is that you don't doubt your own ability to win.

Maybe you feel less superior at work or maybe you feel because of your past you can't reach your goal.

This is false and doubting your ability will only turn into a self enabled prophecy.

Remember it doesn't matter where you have come from, it's where you are going that's important. Fight on and you will win.

My conclusion is that to win again you need to follow the five points above and with hope, perseverance and giving yourself a fighting chance you can start winning again.

Never give up. You can do it.

5 Things That Will Help When Starting All Over Again


Starting all over again is a natural evolution of a person to becoming a wiser, stronger, and more confident version of themselves.

Here are five things you need to know when starting all over again, so you can overcome disappointment and any resistance you may have to rebuild your personal and professional life.

1.   Accept your situation or reality instead of resisting or denying what’s happening. It’s natural to feel negative emotions such as regret, guilt, anger, sadness or shame. It’s not okay to have an extended pity party. Extract lessons from your situation. Let go of what’s not serving you.

2.   View your situation from a fresh perspective and focus on the hidden opportunities. Oprah Winfrey often says, “Life is always speaking to us.” A powerful question you can ask yourself is, “What does this make possible now?” No matter how challenging things are in your life, you can always find positive things too.

3.   Remember what got you here won’t get you there. “There” means where you want to be. Identify what you need to change. Reconnect to what’s important to you. Clarify what you want and the steps you can take to get there.

4.   Find your motivation or the real reasons for changing your life. Reactive decisions do not lead to good results or lasting changes. Ask yourself, “What is my highest truth right now?” If you are not honest with yourself, you may repeat your patterns and behaviours, which will lead to the same results.

5.   Remind yourself you will make mistakes and will have to face your fears. Even though you may really want to change your results and your life, things won’t always go as planned. You will get off track or make wrong decisions. That’s all part of the journey to becoming the next version of yourself.


Final Thoughts

Starting all over again isn’t easy, but the process can become easier if you approach it with greater awareness and understanding. If it’s something you really want to do, then have faith in your ability to deal with whatever comes up.

Holding yourself back and living with regret won’t lead to a meaningful life, so live how you want and do what you feel called to do.

Action Step: If you want to start all over again, pause and assess what’s causing you to consider it. Speak to someone you trust and share what’s going on for you and what you’d like to do.

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